This Product is for Professional Use Only: Due to Regulations, a valid Herd/Flock Number or Professional Use Number must be provided for the purchase of pesticides, rodenticides or herbicides. Please enter your Herd/Flock Number/Professional Use Number on the checkout page.
DoxstarPro is a concentrated formulation containing two powerful root killing ingredients for the control of docks in grazing and silage fields.
DoxstarPro controls both the broadleaved and curly leaved docks. DoxstarPro moves to the root ensuring high levels of long term control of docks. It can be used on both grazing and silage fields and does not hold back grass growth. DoxstarPro also kills dandelions and chickweed.
Use at 2.0lt/ha or in a split dose of 1.0lt/ha fby 1.0l/ha – six -12 months apart for improved long term control. Apply in a water volume of 300l/ha.
Can be used on both silage and grazing field. very safe on grass