CLiKZiN uses the same trusted technology as CLiK®**, offering all the benefits of full fleece* blowfly protection, but with the added convenience of a seven-day meat withdrawal, ideal for offering valuable flexibility when marketing lambs.
7 day meat withhold offers flexibility.
Contains dicyclanil (IGR) and FleeceBind™ technology*.
Full fleece protection*.
Suitable for use on all stock including lambs for market.
Ideal for offering valuable flexibility when marketing lambs.
How to apply
When applying CLiKZiN, it is recommended to use an applicator gun and apply the product using the 4-stroke method (see diagram below). This ensures an accurate spread of the product.
Always calibrate your applicator gun before use. Apply the total required dose one quarter at a time from:
mid-shoulder to middle of back
middle of back to top of tail
one side of tail to crutch
other side of tail to crutch
Best results will be achieved by holding the gun approximately 45cm from the sheep during application.