Noromectin Sheep Drench is for the treatment and control of gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, and nasal bots of sheep. The recommended dose rate is 1ml per 4kg bodyweight. To ensure administration of a correct dose, bodyweight should be determined as accurately as possible. The accuracy of the dosing device should be checked. If animals are to be treated collectively rather than individually they should be grouped according to their bodyweight and dosed accordingly, in order to avoid under or over dosing.
Noromectin should be administered at a dose rate of 200 micrograms per kg of bodyweight. The treated animals should be monitored according to good husbandry practices. A dosing programme should be established with your veterinary surgeon. Veterinary advice should be sought on appropriate dosing programmes and stock management to achieve adequate parasite control, and to reduce the likelihood of anthelmintic resistance developing. Veterinary advice should also be sought if the product does not achieve the desired clinical effect, as other diseases, nutritional disturbances or anthelmintic resistance might be involved. Frequent and repeated use may lead to the development of resistance.
It is important that the correct dose is given in order to minimize the risk of resistance. Ivermectins may not be well tolerated in non-target species and may be fatal. The withdrawal period for meat and offal is 10 days. This product is not permitted for use in lactating sheep producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy sheep within 60 days of lambing.